Irrational Number Line Games, LLC
This is a giant demon character from the animated series
Samurai Jack.
And this is the giant something demon from one of the
Magic, The Gathering miniatures game sets.
Seems to be a good enough match.
This is a good start.
So we need to augment the head to look like the demon.
Here are the bits arranged.
This is how I went with the face. I sculpted a traditional Japanese demon
face and attached the horns, fire beard/eyebrows, and the teeth in the mouth.
And since Cartoon Network added a fifth season to complete the story for
the cancelled show, I also wanted a set of Aku's Daughters.
Fortunately, I have a HeroClix figure or two.
Each of the daughters got a different marital arts weapon and a different haistyle
like the daugthers do. They mostly wear their masks, but I would rather have
the unique characteristics of each instead of just seven ninjas in identical masks
with different weapons.