Irrational Number Line Games, LLC
Hero Clix Ameridroid - a Captain America version of the super
adaptiod giant stompy robot. I am looking for a smashy giant,
so I have this leftover club from another action figure.
But he can't do it unless I give him a hand. So I start with
some greenstuff in the form of a mitten.
Then the good old scissors give it the requisite number of fingers.
And wrap them around the club, smothing the cut bits and flattening
a bit to make knuckes.
While that dries, I need a snake.
Not a smooth snake, but a cross-hatched texture snake
And twist him to a cadeucus.
Or, rather a beard (the U side to the chin). the repeat for the
rat tail that attaches to the back of the new mohawk.
Now that the hand is dried I am ready to pin it to the end of the arm.
And get something like this.
That just needs a new paint job.
The final product in the context of some 28mm ... victims. And one
a big view of the big guy