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Based on fifty of these guys in a bag, I decided to go with about 12 per board. A few boards might get more, a few less. Since this is making ruins, I decided this might be a good opportunity to get rid of those cut up figure bits that I have been keeping because "I could make something with that". By combining the figures with plastic bottlecaps, you get statues ... or rather broken statue ruins.
I also threw some little "bricks" in there. I used some self adhesive foam shapes that I had cut into small rectangles. After assembling and priming comes painting. I started with a dark grey base coat for the blocks. Don't be too precise ... let the primer show through for cracks and texturing. Also, doing the gray first means you can slop it on the ground, since that will get painted over. I painted over the ground with just regular old Apple Bottom craft paint that I had mixed a little talus and a little dirt (like, from the ground outside) into. Again, don't sweat detailing in corners. Black showing through a bit is OK. so is a little (not a lot) of brown up the sides of the rocks. I did a couple of different layers of light drybrushing with light grays and light browns. Then I gave the whole thing a bath in black wash.
This is how they come out. If you have worked with thin card before, then, yep it does warp a little bit during this process. Fortunately, it is thin card, so you can just bend it back. No worries.
Our guidelines are:
The ruin pieces should add a lot of variability to the terrain. We usually have a standard one-die QILS figure, which can move 6" and attack, or sprint 8" without attacking. We say a one block high wall reduces movement by 2" to cross and provides one level of obscurance (cover). A two block high wall blocks movement and line of sight. The player who would look the most natural with gills goes first. Play then proceeds around clockwise. For the first round (each player's first turn), no board pieces are removed. After that, each player removes one "outside" piece after he is done using figures. An outside piece is one that has at least one full edge not touching another board piece. This continues until there is only one board piece left. Any surface other than the board pieces is water. If a figure starts its turn in water, it looses ~25% of its move. If a figure ends its turn in water, it is removed from the board. Play continues to last figure standing, which can sometimes take a few turns past the point where there is only one board piece left. Here is a .pdf rule sheet you can grab and use. One version has terrain effect numbers in it, and one has blanks, so you can fill in your own. And here is a ~3MB slideshow of a game in play for no apparent reason. Enjoy!
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