Irrational Number Line Games, LLC
More buildings repurposed from boxes. I like this box from Twinnings tea since
it has a built-in hinged roof, for easy interior access later on. I also like
the tea.
I have cut a rectangle down from the top of the box on the front and give it
three folds.
Bottom fold out and the next two folds in lets it assemble into a counter sticking
out from the building.
The extra bonus for the lid is that even though the cut out section starts at
the top of the front panel of the box, the lid covers the top part and makes
it a window. Much easier than cutting three sides of a window out. This is
a nice little box for this type of project. Now we just decorate it.
Posters! I resized a bunch of public domain posters and slap them up on the side
of the building. But why is there a giant cowboy there if the posters are
Because he is a prop cowboy (from some Lone Ranger 'Clix game that tanked, these
figures make good statues and people in mascot costumes for 28mm) in front of a
Tex-Mex bento shop!
I've never had a Tex-Mex bento, but I believe that such a thing exists.
First Step - eat all the stroopwafels!
Pro Tip - It's pronounced "STROHP-waffel", the "oo" is always (AFAIK) prounounced
with an English long O sound, not the English "oo" sound. It's a Dutch word that
means "I am trying really hard to put my body into a sugar coma."
But this is an intersting shape box, so it should be used for an intersting
Also, you probably mispronounce gouda the cheese. It's pronounced just like
Gouda, the town in the Netherlands.
I got a smooth white spray paint, but then went over it with white acrylic, mixed
with a little glue. I used vertical strokes, which gives an up and down texture
to the surface of the building. Interesting.
Then I got out my
butterfly hole punch
and an sci-fi door. Not sure what goes on in this building, but I bet it
is interesting.
Apparently, I didn't take a pic of the nekkid box for this one. However, like
this - inverted, with patches of tape, and some sand textured paint, you can
see what I saw in the shape of the lid opening. Primitive temple.
I did glue the foliage on the temple. It limits the usage to a small degree,
but it is really a pain to both make and store small bits like that if you want
them to interchange.
And last, but not least ... a bank, not a box.
Well, I am using a box to put an entryway on the cupcake bank, so I guess this
counts as a "box building". Basically, that little bit there folds up into a
three-sided outhouse (no back wall ... don't use as an outhouse!).
And just splorches on the front of the cupcake.
I left the tissue box pattern on the outside of the entryway because I thought it
colourwise fit with the whole cupcake theme.
As well as a random, very specific cupcake restraunt in townm this will also
work well with my
shoe house
for Gnome Wars gnomes. That's why the
are here.