Irrational Number Line Games, LLC
So, I'm starting with a couple of Space Marine bodies. The need cleaned up
a bit and they will need several extra bits. But I have some arms lying around
and enough spare things plus some green stuff to make up the rest.
Reasonably cleaned and based. In light purple, because they are going to be
Slaaneshi Noise Marines. The cleaning job was a bit rough since I was limited
to fingernail polish remover because of external constraints. Then again, I
am going to Chaos them up, so I can live with it.
The next step is mohawks and kilts. Noise Marines gotta have mohawks. Its the
late 80's vibe.
And now some weird bits. A pipe from the mouth and one being held lower
by both hands ... where could this be going?
Add in some greenstuff pauldrons in dark purple and it's coming together.
I'm painting as I go, which in this case is the equivalent of painting on the
sprue before assembly.
Ah! Now we know what noise! Bagpipes. Space bagpipes with big mechanical
I looked at many pictures of actual bagpipers to get the two bits of pipe
in the right positions. I also planned ahead by only putting spiky bits on
the right pauldrons.
And now some crafted jump packs. I'm using a bit of stiff wire embedded in
a greenstuff pack. The thrusters will go on the ends of the wire once it has
And here's the finished Noise Marines, complete with blood red organ sacs to
be the bag in the bagpipe!
I bet these even sound terrifying in the void of space!