Irrational Number Line Games, LLC

This horde of ogres (brutes, trolls, etc.) is mostly made from
GW savage orc bodies and ogre heads. But there's a bunch of other
heads, bodies, and especially weapons in the mix. The colour scheme
binds the chaotic disparity together and the chaotic disparity
breaks up the uniformity.
The guy with the pointy stick in front is pure random GW bits. To his right
(our left) is GW body& head with a HC hand and a HC insect body for the other
hand. On our far left is a HC (Juggernaut) body with a GW head. And on the
far right is just the Incredible hulk with a mohawk added.
On the left, a hulk body with a GW head and left arm weapon. On the right is
a hulk with a GW weapon and shield. In the middle, the piece of resistance ...
a GW bits guy with a
sculpted clay badger on the end of a stick, the weapon of choice by discerning
miscreants and revolutionaries everywhere!
There are various HC robots/power armour suits with Matic orc heads on them. The
orc heads are great, but I hate them because you have to affix the jaw to the head,
which I find very fiddly.
And four civvies. All Clix, with arms moved around (except for the H, who is a
Starfire figure). Doing something ...