Irrational Number Line Games, LLChome stuff-to-buy about-us contactThe Gnomelactic EmpireThis is one in a series of projects building units (the smallest autonomous forces) for Brigade Games' Gnome Wars. It's a nice little game, and plays well at conventions. We heard about it at the Old Dominion Military Society's semi-annual gaming conference. Had a good time at the con playing and really like the figures. So we got some, but, of course, we can't just paint 'em up and go, so here is our take on Star Wars, gnome style.
Somewhere in the rules it says that gnomes like imitating humans. If they have been hanging around wargaming conventions enough, they should have picked up on this vibe. We are using the German gnomes again, this time with their pickles cut off. (Ouch!) The goal is to mimmic the helmets of a galaxy far, far away. That's fine for the stormtroopers, Vader, and Boba Fett. But the farmers are not a good match for close combat troops ... we need something more Starwarsy.
These guys get a little piece of terrain, too. With a powdered drink container and an oversized plastic Easter egg part, they get a pretty good Death 'Shroom.
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