Irrational Number Line Games, LLChome stuff-to-buy idea archive about-us contactKeeper of Secrets
The key piece of selecting the figure is (well, on sale first) was finding one with her hair pulled back, so removing it would be easy. The KoS has a bald head with a bucket of horns. This one should work well.
I also sanded down the head with 90 grit to make the head smooth. It doesn't look like it because of the plastic mold, but it is smooth to the touch, and we will see how well I did once it is painted stark white, which is very unforgiving. I also added the insect arms by pinning. Because both sides were plastic, I heated up an unbended piece of paper clip, stuck it into the arm (hard plastic). Then I clipped it short and drilled it into the figure (soft plastic). I glued them in place, and once dry, I added the green stuff to the joints.
You can also see four of the six horns. My original thought was to put the other two on the sides between the four shown here.
You can also see heavy eyeliner and dark purple lipstick.
In this case the boots were a part of the figure, not added on. So they wouldn't come off like I wanted. But the figure was less than $5. I did cut the toes off the boots and add toes with green stuff after the figure had set on the base. I added the belt, too. I considered wrist bangles and various piercings, but didn't want to interrupt the simplicity of form. So ... a pale goth chick in heavy make up, boots, and mesh clothing. I feel like I'm back in college.