Irrational Number Line Games, LLChome stuff-to-buy about-us contactDie KurbistruppeThis is one in a series of projects building units (the smallest autonomous forces) for Brigade Games' Gnome Wars. It's a nice little game, and plays well at conventions. We heard about it at the Old Dominion Military Society's semi-annual gaming conference. Had a good time at the con playing and really like the figures. So we got some, but, of course, we can't just paint 'em up and go, so here is our take on Kurbistruppen (pumpkin soldiers).
The picklehauben are just too cute, so I really needed to do something cute with them. Pumpkins. Plus the pumpkin theme is easy to accessorize in the craft store. Especially if you grab up stuff during the after Halloween sale. Along that line, these are just primed German gnomes, except the beer grenadiers have had their hands chopped off and replaced by empty Knedatite hands.
Here is the overview of the whole thing. Gnome Wars also has a witch figure who controls a set of exploding Jack-o-Lanterns. I think I will try my hand at one of these. I also think I will try my hand at not blowing up my own forces with them now that I have my own copy of the Gnome Wars rules.
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