Irrational Number Line Games, LLC
Miscelaneous People
So the guy on the left is Action Jackson from Reaper (the Bones one),
who is a great base for a conversion. I've done a regular dude conversion
from him before, so now he will become ... a fantasy wizard!
Like this! I put him up on an elevated base (made from some left over
Tar Pit legs) and gave him
a head swap (don't worry ... the head shows up a bit later). I also took
his gun hand off, so I can give it to Batman later.
And do this with his hand. This is from a sandwich bag, not plastic wrap, so
it will keep this shape. And I'll decorate it up a bit.
Flame spray to match his awesome disco mage clothes!
So, it's elevated, and has a big, sticking out flame spray. Not a multi
usable as I generally like, but still a nice figure, and I'll get some use
out of it.
Interlude one gives us some Star Trek figures, some Hunger Games figures, and some
other random stuff. Let's move to the Star Trek stuff first.
There were only seven different figures, but I can just repaint them as dudes with
different color uniforms, to spread the poses across all the colors.
Also, I added goatees to a few of them to make them mirror universe bad guys.
These are some hunger game figures. I like the black uniforms to be Andoreans
from Star Trek. All they need are sword hilts on the foreheads ... er antennae
on their heads.
Then they fit in like this!
And the tow guys in the center are Star Wars Weequay Pirates. But I thought
their clothes made decent klingon wear, so now I have two. If you're a Klingon,
you would say the Federation guys are way outnumbered here...
So here are the rest of the Hunger Games figures. They make some decent generic
modern civilians. Can't have too many of those.
And back to Action Jackson. They guy in the green jacket and grey pants (an outfit
that matches my modern Yakuza figures) got the AJ head and a 'Clix Iron Man briefcase.
Farther to the right is a 'Clix Shang Chi figure that got another AJ head ...
Jim Kelly! And in the middle in metallic blue, an AJ body with a different head
as a disco killer.
To the Archive of Ideas...