Irrational Number Line Games, LLC
I got a bunch of 15mm figures from
Rebel Minis
and painted them up over the last couple of weeks. This is a set of
modern police/SWAT figures. I base them on 10mm tiddlywinks. This is one
of the few sets I left the tanslucent colours of the base alone instead
of covering them with flat black, like the rest of my bases. I like
the effect for these boys in blue.
They are assaulting an old HO train garage from a big bucket of train
stuff I bought from my aunt. Mostly to get it out of her basement. I wish
I had more basement...
So, speaking of flat black, here are the same figures done up as SOF. Modern
figures, weapons, kit. And three colours of black (plus the flat black of
the bases). So they're not completely monochromatic. Plus, they got
metallic red visors as a bonus detail.
And a couple special figures. I got some modern bikers, but I do have
some special fave characters. So I did a mounted and dismounted version
of Ghost Rider and Judge Dredd.