Irrational Number Line Games, LLC
Snake Women
This is a great little conversion piece from the ill-fated HorrorClix
line. Part of what makes it great is the ill-fate of the line; you can
grab up a handful of these for a song. And they have great conversion
potential. The snake head is great, can go on all types of bodies, and
pretty much justifies the pittance you pay for them. But when you're done
with the recapitations, don't toss the dross. That body splits right down
the middle into two fun-for-conversion snake sections.
Nothing difficult here, for (about) half of these, I put women's heads on
them, and the other half, women's torsos. I think according to Gygaxian
cannon, that makes the ones in the back nagae and the others gorgons.
The heads are just grafted on, and will work fine. The trick is to
whittle down each surface until you have a believable joint. For the
gorgons, we need to do something about the wasteline. Enter one of my
favourite quick-tricks -- papier mâché! While it is not as sturdy as
plastic or metal after glue, primer, paint, highlights, washes, and
sealer, it's tough enough for gaming use. Also, in this case, unless
you pick the figures up by the strips of cloth that hang down, you really
aren't putting any pressure on them to handle the figs.
I went with redbodies on these. The yellow underbelly color and fleshtone
were blended back and forth into each other for the transition. I highlighted
the scales with metallic red paint, which gives them a faint shimmer. The
bodies and heads are all over the place. The different angles does a good
job at hiding the fact that there are only two differnt snake bodies.
And the gorgons. These ones have brown bodies, to match some other half
snake, half human minis I have. Again, a little variation in the positioning
and it doesn't seem like there are only two different snake bodies (and only
one archer torso!). The papier mâché bits have done a good job to cover the
transition from human to snake with wispy, hanging cloth bits.
To the Archive of Ideas...