Irrational Number Line Games, LLC
Skaven. Crunch all you want ... We'll make more!
I believe these are Plague Rats, but the important part is they
are the ones with the long staves. I got these in a job lot, already
assembled, but I had to rip the arms off so I could reposition them.
The reposition is so they can be carrying a litter. You may notice
that I didn't get four rats in the lot with staves. No problem.
The top of the staff on the rear rat extends to far. I will cut the
ends off and add them to the front right rat.
That seems to have worked well. That means if I used four staff rats,
I would have a couple bits left over. I am no longer frustrated that
I didn't have four.
Now the platform. Just a little piece of corrugated cardboard, flattened
and painted with a couple different colours of brown.
Good fit. I also like the staggared ends. It looks more like something
rats would have made. And it breaks up the regularity of the cardboard,
making it look more "real" and less "model".
You might have noticed Master Splinter of the TMNT hanging around. With
his repaint, he is now my Skaven wizard. He will be a fire wizard, so
I took some cotton ball and painted it black for smoke.
I've also made a decorative base. Usually I am not much for these, but
I really don't want a black circle on the litter, and I want the wiz
to be able to dismount. But it's not a base to match the terrain. It's
a base to match the figure. Metallic red, bronze, and gold for the
fire mage.
Here it is all together. I like it.
I also like the purple. I don't have any other purple clothed Skaven,
so these can be specific to the fire mage.
I made a few more purples, so not only can the mage dismount, but the
bearers can disperse, too.