Irrational Number Line Games, LLC
I like most lizard types to have a lighter underbelly and darker, vibrant
scales with metallic sheen to them. In this case, I am just using regular
GW lizardmen and integrating them with my current lizardmen armies.
For the scales, I am mixing in a bit of metallic bronze paint in with the
red. It turns it a little orange and adds the sheen. A key point is to mix
it in, but not completely thoroughly.
These are my old standard lizardmen. Starting with Zulu bodies, I add a head
and tail from a cheap plastic snake and give them bronze age weapons and
shields. As well as the color scheme, I am using the eye symbol to give some
consistency to the set.
Consistency that is needed because I don't intend to make all the lizardmen
from identical components. These are GW lizardman bodies (cheap from
Hoard o' Bits)
and one of my favourite resource pieces,
HorrorClix Reptosapien for
the heads.
I think the color scheme and the eye iconography helps keep both sets together
as being from one band/clan/tribe, but allows differentiation. That way the
different types of lizardmen can have different stats/abilities, if needed.
Or they can just be a big cluster with some variety.
The newly added variety is just a bunch of standard GW lizardmen. I usually
go for GW bits over figures proper because of the price point (and the fun of
modding!), but I got these at a FnLGS for a buck a figure. They were
already assembled, based, and primed blue (the "correct" base color for these
figures, I assume). That said, we again get figures that are both commmon
enough to work together and distinct enough to enable variety in gameplay
as well as the visual.
Here's the whole band together. I think they make a decent coherent set.
This is another little bit. I got the bag of cheap lizzies for $22 since there were
22 figures in it. I broke it up into two sets of 11, with different base colors.
Since the yellow underbelly works well with the slightly orangeish red scale, I
went with yellow/green for these guys. And I alternated the shields. Green scaled
lizards have red scaled shields, and vice versa. This is a trick I figured out
way back when with African gazelle and zebra centaurs.
So now I have opponents or, possibly, a different species with signficantly different
stats. Based on the coloring, I can see land vs. sea lizard battles on tropical
islands ... with pulp castaways caught in the middle, of course!
To the Archive of Ideas...