Irrational Number Line Games, LLC
Mega City One
has lots of different type of colorful characters. While it is fun to come up with
anything you can imagine, it is also enjoyable to go back to the classics. In this
case ... skysurfers.
This project is a way to make use of some spare Clix figures. The four center ones
(lying down figures) are ones that had lightning or other stuff that I cut off
the figure and used elsewhere. I didn't really need to do much repainting. You can
see a blue-skinned Jolt figure on the base up top. And tought for MCO, blue skin is
perfectly fine, I decided to move her to a human skin palette. Likewise, Captain
America didn't have a lavender shirt and gold lame pants; I did that because the
costume was too iconic. The rest were fine for MCO.
So ... surfing. I used an old box lid and cut some surfboards out. This gave me
already "painted" surfboards. The bases are several different sizes of bottle cap,
painted flat black.
I picked different size caps to give the figures different heights.
There is also a regular Black Manta figure there. I considered converting him,
but then I remembered that I had one on a regular base as a MCO ganger already,
so I left him. The Thunderstrike/Thor figure got long hair and a beard mainly
because I had extra Knedatite when he came off the base.
I ended up with two with close combat weapons, two with guns on the boards, and
two open handed. Decent balance and good variety. Six bad guys ... almost enough
to make a rookie judge break a sweat!
So ...
what figure
got that Captain America shield?