Irrational Number Line Games, LLC
These are pretty simple conversions. Put a GW ogre head (apparently
they put lots in a box, so people sell the extra bits cheap) on a
28mm body, and it has a chibi/norse troll effect. I've done this
This technique even works for the disproportionate sized head when
you use "big" 28mm figs like many HeroClix or other figures representing
things that are Inredible Hulk sized.
You can see that I've gone with different skin tones to distinguish
the sets. This allows the fantasy, modern, and scifi figures to
hold together as a unit reasonably well.
Since this emphasizes skin, I did primer, undercoat, and drybrush then
wash all in the same palette. The clothes are more subuded with less
detail work to make the flesh pop visually.
The coloring can also work the other way. Say the greens are the elite
or leaders for a mob of blues. It's the inverse of having colors or
insignia on uniforms indicate rank or status.
While they are unclothed, these two outlier figures (that fit in with
other sets of figures) actually have more colours on them than the
dressed ones. So fifty shades of white (well, more like 10) help the
figure not look like a blob and bring out the sculpting details.