Irrational Number Line Games, LLC
Yugioh Clix Amphibian Beast
Another of the Yugioh Clix, the guy at the top is the
Ampibian Beast. Nice figure, but overall, not what I am
looking for in a deep-one. I like the head, but not
with the body. So, I'm going to go for something a
little more classic looking ...
Yep. The Mon Calimari heads. These are kind of retro
Koa Toa
deep ones. Maybe I need some Locathah and Shahauigin, too...
But anyway, I went with the classic gibbous grey for these
guys rather than green. A key reason for that is I am working
on a set of black and white pulp figures, so these guys will
fit in with them as well as most other terrors of the deep.
Of course, I had to do something with the heads. I went with various
space mercs. The pointiness of the design just screamed for a red/orange/yellow
burning fire pattern. I think it works out well.
Since the heads are all identical, I like going with a variety of
bodies. The unarmed ones and the big guys in back (another related
species? mutants? gen mod?) give a lot of flexibility for play.
And we need to show off what to do with the extra Mon Calamari
bodies. This time, snake heads from some
Horror Clix Reptosapiens.
To the Archive of Ideas...