Irrational Number Line Games, LLC
Zombie Dinos
OK, this is a simple and fun conversion, motivated by our
Zombiesaurus Rex vs Tricerinator
supplment. It follows the basic zombification process we use, except with
much larger figures.
Our zombification process begins with regular figures and skeletons. We have found
that integrating parts from one skeleton figure with two regular figures gives a nice
part ratio for the three resulting figures. This also works well with robots to
make cyborgs.
So, after selecting the victims ... er ... source figures, separate the skeleton
into five parts: head, torso, left/right legs, left/right arms. Oh, seven parts ...
in this case, we have a tail, which we will split into two pieces.
With the regular figures, go for one arm and one leg. Pick one for the head swap.
And for the tails, split both of them.
Now swap the parts and lay them out. I always do this, especially when making a
slew of figures. It helps keep you from reassembling them in a way you regret.
Think thrice, test fit twice, glue once.
And you assemble them. For regular 28mm figures, the parts just go together with
glue. Ending up with small incongruities for small figures usually just adds to
the effect of unnaturalness. Occasionally, I add a bit of putty to smooth
something out.
For these large guys, I am using a lot of putty to make the joints where the figures
end and the skeleton pieces begin. All the putty will be painted red to be bloody
muscle gore. These gaps were just too big to think you could gloss it over with paint.
And here's what you get. Well, what we got. Your mileage may vary dependent on
what figures you use. I painted them brown with white spots so they would match
all my other dinos. I have a large contingent of them in this scheme.
Happy Modding!
To the Archive of Ideas...